Training program: upper/lower body Scientifically based

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Are you looking for a training plan for an upper/lower body split? The following was compiled by muscle growth scientist Brad Schoenfeld, based on an exercise selection by another expert, coach Mike Israetel (podcast). A scientifically based schedule aimed at the average bodybuilder (~12 sets per muscle group per week).


Excercise Sets Reps
Flat dumbbell press 3 6-10
Dumbbell chest supported row (focus op mid/upper back) 3 8-12
Seated mid-chest cable fly 3 10-15
Lat pulldown 3 8-12
Cable lateral raise 3 10-20
Behind body cable curl 2 10-15
Triceps cable pushdown 3 10-20


Excercise Sets Reps
Barbell back squat 3 6-10
Seated leg curl 3 10-15
Seated leg extension 3 10-15
Hyperextension (focus op lower back) 3 10-15
Standing weighted calf raise (barbell of dumbbell) 3 10-15


Excercise Sets Reps
Low incline dumbbell press 3 6-10
Pull-up 3 6-10
Seated mid-chest cable fly 3 10-15
Seated cable row (focus op mid/upper back) 3 8-12
Dumbbell lateral raise 3 10-20
Incline dumbbell overhead extension 3 10-15
Incline dumbbell curl 2 8-12


Excercise Sets Reps
Barbell hip thrust 3 10-15
Barbell Romanian deadlift 3 6-10
Front foot elevated reverse lunges 3 6-10 per been
Standing weighted calf raises (barbell of dumbbell) 3 10-15

Training intensity: average 1-3 RIR.

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