Bodyweight exercises just as effective as barbell exercises For muscle growth

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Bodyweight exercises are just as effective for muscle growth as barbell exercises, a new study finds.


The study compared a training program consisting of bodyweight exercises versus a program with barbell exercises, both for untrained participants. Both programs had the quadriceps as the primary target muscle. The barbell group did back squats and deadlifts, the bodyweight group did bodyweight squats, lunges and straight-leg raises. The bodyweight group performed as many reps as they could for 1-2 sets. The dumbbell group performed 3 sets at 8-12RM.

The result? There were no significant differences between groups in muscle growth or increases in quadriceps strength. While the results tended in favor of the barbell exercises, their weekly set volume was also higher. Previous research has shown that pushups and bench presses are equally effective for muscle growth in the chest and triceps. We also saw that it makes little difference for muscle growth whether you use machines or free weights.


It is apparently not of great importance in which way the muscle is stimulated, as long as training is carried out to near muscle failure. Muscles respond to mechanical tension. The right amount of mechanical tension provides a growth stimulus: it initiates muscle protein synthesis.

You can create mechanical tension with body weight, barbell, dumbbell, machine, cable or resistance band – whichever you prefer.


Mind you, in practice, training with dumbbells is much more convenient than training with body weight, especially when you aim for maximum muscle growth. The fact is that at some point you outgrow bodyweight exercises and they become too easy. Heavier weights are generally more effective for building strength in trained individuals (the study involved untrained individuals). Previous research has identified a minimum exercise intensity of around 30% of 1RM to stimulate maximum muscle growth.

If you still want to do bodyweight exercises only or mainly, follow a calisthenics program, for example .

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